Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Paddle Day 43: Poor Decision Cuts Journey Short

Deb and Mary (and Donna) Leaving Shipbottom
 The winds were strong out of the west, so I made the poor decision of following the west shore of Little Egg Harbor, rather than staying on the east and battling the waves all day.

It was a decision while I was in the boat starting out, and I didn't look very carefully at the charts.  I knew it would be longer, and it added 50% to the day's paddle.  I was also starting about 2 hours late, because I was waiting for the small craft advisory to be closer to lifting.  It would have been a good day not to paddle, but I need to keep to the schedule since folks are expecting me, and I need to catch my ride from Florida to Belize.  I know that bad things happen when I push myself to keep to a schedule.  I should have known.

Things started out fun with a huge sendoff from Mary's friends at the dock, and Mary and Donna joining me for a ways.

Slogging against wind and tide
But then it became a slog.   By using the western shore I was paddling against both the wind and the tide at first, making slow progress.  As I was paddling along I realized I'd be arriving much later at my planned stop of the Rutgers Marine Research Station.  I would have to paddle against the tides in the turbulent inlet.  Not a safe option.  So I found a small beach and landed to call my host to arrange a different pick-up spot.

I was beat up by the wind and current and pretty much exhausted.  It was a long day of paddling.
When I saw the first floating dock, I just pulled up to it.  No one was home.  Three houses down the street I met Joe, who helped me haul the kayak up.  I asked about the route ahead and he called over his neighbor Claire who had just boated the route.  Claire showed me a little channel I could use to avoid paddling the turbulent inlet, and also suggested friends of his that I can stay with in Maryland and North Carolina!  What a great welcome from strangers!

Deb's new instant friends Joe and Claire 
Stopping short means the next day's paddle will be very long.  And I'll need to get it down early in the day to avoid the afternoon's small craft advisory.  But it will have to be done with headwinds in my face all day.  Ugh!

Carol took me to her mother's house and Mary feed me a wonderful Italian Sunday dinner, while we were entertained by Carol's 4 year old daughter.  Such warm and caring hosts!
Mary and Deb
Paddle Day: 43                                                         Date: October 5, 2014
Start:  Ship Bottom                                                   End: Tuckerton
Distance: 11.7 miles                                                 Total distance: 556.13 miles
Max speed:  4.7 mph                                                 Moving ave.: 2.8 mph
Kayak storage:  Joe's Dock                                         Host: Mary and Carol Trurano

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