Sunday, October 12, 2014

Trying to sleep out my cold

Spent two days sleeping in Cape May, NJ.
Almost a shame to be sleeping while in this lovely town of Cape May, and staying with two great Kiwonis hosts:  Sheila Williams originally from Roanoke Va, and her husband originally from Virginia Beach.  It's been like old home days staying with other folks from Virginia.  My kayak has been spending the time on the lovely deck of a huge home in Reed's Beach.  Thanks Daniella!!
And a lot of my gear has spent the weekend with Margo.  I have gear spread all over NJ!

I'm actually below the Mason-Dixon line here.  That's significant for folks from Virginia, but on the map, that line actually dives south along the Delaware border, so I guess it will be a few days more before I actually pass into the official "south".  Will it suddenly be much warmer then?

Decided today, with the help of a Rotarian from Delaware, Charlene, that I will not paddle  illegally through the Delaware and Chesapeake Canal.  It is so tempting, but doing something illegal is not a good move for a Rotary and Safe Passage trip!!

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