Monday, December 1, 2014

Paddle Day 69: Hallucinations during 7 hours of paddling

Ralph and Deb at the start of the day
It was a lovely day for a long paddle: sun, moderate temperatures and a long wild area to kayak through.
Ralph saw me off as I headed out for the long paddle.  Unfortunately the wind was in my face for quite a few stretches, and I was worried about getting to the take-out before dark.  It was non stop paddle at an aerobic pace: quite a lot of stress on the old body.  But the Epic paddle helped me out.  When my wrist started to feel the stress, I quickly changed the feather angle.   When my shoulder started to feel the pain from the high angle stroke, I lengthened the paddle for a low angle stroke.  By making lots of adjustments I was able to keep paddling.  Which was fortunate, as this wild area does not have many places to land, and the only one with paved road access was at my planned take-out.  Thanks, Epic, for a great paddle that is so easy to adjust on the fly!

I was in the zone as I paddled today.  My whole body and mind were focused on paddling.  It was mesmerizing.  But I also saw lots and lots of wildlife.
Stalking Alligator
Fishing Heron
Listing duck
Sunning Turtle
Leaping Rabbit
Beached whale
Crashing float plane
Crashing helicopter
Alien face

As you might have guessed, all but one of those were what I thought I was seeing as I looked at the many submerged trunks and branches.  Guess which was not a tree part.  Got it?  The listing duck - that was an old decoy that was floating along.

Even the first tree of my trip with Spanish Moss - and I think it was probably staged.
Spanish Moss - but staged I think.
Lovely end to the long day paddling past a bald eagle (for real) and up a little creek, complete with bald cypress knees.
Creek into Gum Neck Landing
It was great to be met at the landing by Warren, my host who found this landing spot for me, and drove all over the wild area checking it out in advance!
Warren at the landing

Paddle Day: 69                                                        
Date: Dec 1, 2014
Start: Alligator Marina                                             
End: Gum Neck Landing
Distance: 23 miles                                                   
Paddle, hike, bike distance: 940.5 miles
Motor portaged: 251 miles
Total distance: 1191.5 miles
Max speed:  4.6 mph                                               
Moving ave.: 3.3 mph
Kayak storage:  Gum Neck Landing                                  
Hosts: Warren McMaster

1 comment:

  1. Good on you. We would be happy to host you in the Vero Beach to Stuart area of Florida when the time comes. Kayak rack and a soft be await. SEEYA Jack and Lin Jacoby 786-385-2344
