Sunday, December 14, 2014

Paddle Day 77: Dolphins, Bombs and Wild Things

Nice of them to warn me!
Another cold start on the ICW as I paddled through a booming range, a dolphin hangout and an area of wild things to a funky, very friendly marina!
Lots of frost this morning.  Put on my gloves before packing up today - warm hands all day!  Live and learn. 

I was powered today by two orange drinks.  One was the all natural, healthy and tasty juice concoction that Tess made for breakfast, and the other was the not so tasty sports drink I use since it's so artificail that it takes longer to mold in my Platypus bladder.
Contrast of taste and health in orange drinks!

Timed the tide well and had the currents with me most of the day.  I wasn't looking forward to going through the big marine base, but it was actually great paddling there as there was lots of wildlife.  Where inlets currents mixed with the ICW currents, the dolphins and birds congregated.  It was magical having dolphins swimming  quite close to me.
Two of the many dolphins swimming near me.
Lots of pelicans around as well.
Pelican taking off.
But it was the sign about the alligators and wildlife that let me know I was in the sub-tropics.
Barbara Link met me at Snead's Ferry
Deb and Barbara

I loved the marina and all the local guys that came and talked with us as I unloaded the kayak.
There was one amazing wooden boat there, with a whole section of dock set up with a workshop, a kitchen, and more.
Signs over the shop set up on the dock.
My host Cindy drove me all over Wilmington to find the perfect spot for me to land on Wednesday.  Thanks, Cindy!!

Paddle Day: 77 
Date: Dec 14, 2014
Start: Swansboro, NC                                          
End: Sneads Ferry, NC
Distance: 18.1 miles                                                   
Paddle, hike, bike distance: 1077.9 miles
Motor portaged: 264 miles
Total distance: 1341.9 miles
Max speed:  6.0 mph                                               
Moving ave.: 3.7 mph
Kayak storage:  Swan Point Marina                              
Hosts: Cindy Farbanish

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