Friday, November 21, 2014

Paddle Day 65: Fast Ride to NC, Close to the 900 mile mark, and Pungo fun

Debbie helping Deb get started for the day
On another cold day, the wind and current pushed me quickly from Virginia to North Carolina and close to passing the 900 mile mark!
They say it is going to be 73 degrees in a few days.  After paddling until the temp went all the way up to 41 degrees today, I'm looking forward to the warmth.  Fortunately my NRS drysuit with thin wool long johns is keeping me very warm!

Most of the route was through marshes, with a few areas of higher ground.
Deb in the ICW marshes
Right before the Pungo Ferry I saw an old wooden boat that looks like it has been abandoned, tied to the dock of a defunct marina.

Abandoned ship!
As I passed the old Pungo Ferry, I was smiling because I recalled a great kayaking video about taking a Pungo (a little recreation kayak) around Africa.   hope you enjoy it as well:  "I will take my Pungo". 

I'm staying on Knott's Island, which is mostly in NC, but the causeway to get here is from Virginia, and was built in the 30's as a works project.  This is waterfowl country and Ducks Unlimited was started here.  The tundra swans are starting to arrive from the arctic to spend the winter here.  Snow geese are flying through as well.  My best wildlife sighting today was three otters playing in the river.

Last might was a first for me.  I gave a talk at 6:15 p.m. to the Safe Passage Open House folks in Maine (via Skype), and then a talk at 7:00 p.m. to the Virginia Beach Rotary Club.

President Mike, Deb and President Elect Barbara
Jen and her two daughters are great company, as they tell me about the region.  Her husband works on a large tug that carries heavy loads up and down the east coast on the outside routes.  It's fascinating to hear about how that life is changing thanks to technology.

Deb, girls and Jen
Paddle Day: 65                                                        Date: Nov 21, 2014
Start: West Landing                                                 End: Sandy Point
Distance: 12 miles                                                   Total distance: 882.3 miles
Max speed:  6.4 mph                                               Moving ave.: 4.2 mph
Kayak storage:  Sandy Point Campground                 Hosts: Jen Kane


  1. Thank you for sharing your journey with my granddaughters.

  2. Enjoyed your comment about the Pungo... I have four of them I use here in So. Maryland (north of Pt. Lookout). Taking them in the Potomac is rough enough for me. Need four to take others out to get hooked on kayaking. Best to you on your journey and your cause. Nana of Nora & Meara and those granddogs you met!

    1. Great grand daughters you have. I think of them everyday when I look at the duckie sticker they put on my kayak! Glad you are encouraging more folks to kayak!

  3. Looks like your kayak camera caught our farewell! So glad the wind was in your favor as you left Virginia Beach! Can't wait to see you again in a few weeks!
