Monday, September 29, 2014

Adventures of Patito Amistoso: Chapter Four

Dear Safe Passage children and children everywhere,

Seneca actors outside of their long house made of bark, with Henry being a boy adopted by the Seneca and his Dad as an English colonist
Just had a nice break from kayaking.  
Visited Henry and EV, two of Deb's grandchildren.   We went to a Native American Indian event where the Seneca told us about when the French trader LaSalle visited their town and asked for them to release a prisoner to serve as his guide.   The Seneca had a meeting of the clan mothers and the elders to decide what to do.   They used a 3 Way test.   Would it help to maintain peace and uphold their peace treaties?   Would it be good for the environment that everyone depended upon for life?   Would it be good for all of the unborn generations to come?  After much discussion and consideration they decided not to help LaSalle.  

I was glad to see Henry and EV like rubber duckies very much.   They even asked Deb to read us all a book about rubber duckies before we went to bed.   See Henry showing me the pictures?

Henry and EV and me getting a bedtime story about duckies!

New York City was fun to visit.   I even saw a rubber duckie selling shoe repairs!
NYC Duckie selling show repairs!
Deb showed me the sights like the Freedom Tower and the Statue of Liberty.   

Deb showing me the new Freedom Tower at the World Trade Center

Looking at the Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty really was there!

It was so windy on the water,  and the waves were so large, and there were so many big boats that I got a little nervous and shut my eyes.

Can you see I have my eyes shut?
Tomorrow we are supposed to kayak again,  and we will have to launch out through the surf.   Deb says it will be okay because we will go out through one inlet and then land in another inlet.   But what about all that surf in between?   Hasn't she been watching the marine forecasts?  They say high winds and big waves!   I just heard her call the marina where or kayak is stored.  Guess what!   They are closed today,  and don't open until midmorning tomorrow.   We need to kayak early tomorrow morning because of the strong currents in the inlets.  I am hoping that Deb cannot find a way to get our kayak tonight so we don't have to kayak tomorrow!   Stay tuned!

Your friendly duckie,
Patito Amistoso

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