Friday, September 26, 2014

Paddle Day 40: 500 miles, 7th State and 1st Federal Felony Offense?

Deb arriving in NJ, with the NYC skyline in the background
Good weather so paddled two days worth in one day to stay ahead of the storm.
Raritan bay was so calm, I cut right across, making short work of the distance I was scheduled to paddle.  Arrived at my destination in Port Monmouth by 10 a.m.   New Jersey!  Another state down!  There were no cleats on the dock I wanted to tie up to, so made do with my bilge pump wedged into a hole to attach my line.
Bilge pump as cleat
Since the weather was good, and a storm was heading in, I decided to continue on to Oceanport, but I needed to stop in Atlantic Highlands to meet my husband and pick up my next set of charts.  First time seeing my husband in weeks, so I was excited.  But first I had to goes miles out around a long munitions pier and it's even longer security boundary.

Munitions pier and security buoy
Once I passed the last security buoy I headed across the shipping channel and sent out my usual "Securite" message on the VHF to warn any traffic I couldn't see.  To my surprise a military boat then came speeding towards me.
Here come the feds!
The ensuing conversation included phrases like "$500 fine", "federal felony", "3 years in prison", and the ominous, "I'm authorized to shoot you."  Well, I guess that was the next to the last security buoy!!

In Atlantic Highlands I was was met by News 12.  How did they hear so fast about my little encounter?
News 12 at the dock
Addie had arranged the press coverage and even tracked me down to my new landing spot!
Chris and Deb haul up the kayak
Addie treated us all to a lovely lunch while I waited for the tide to turn so I could head up the Shrewsbury River for the last 9 miles of paddling.

Am I there yet?

As the sun was coming down I was more than ready to stop, but carried on for a few more miles to the furthest marina. OMMFG!

Denis, Al and Deb
Chris and I were so graciously hosted by Denis and Al - hosts extraordinaire!

Now I'm taking a few days off to go and visit the grandchildren!  Good timing, as there is now a gale warning, and I couldn't have paddled in any case.
Wild woman says she can't paddle out through that NJ shore surf!

Paddle Day: 40                                                         Date: Sept. 23, 2014
Start: Great Kills                                                      End: Oceanport
Distance: 25.6 miles                                                 Total distance: 502.03 miles
Max speed:  6.0 mph                                                 Moving ave.: 3.5 mph
Kayak storage:  Oceanport Landing Marina                 Host: Dennis and Al Benbrook

1 comment:

  1. Deb, I love, love, love that last pic of you! So glad you & Chris had a reunion. And look at your mileage...over 500. I'm so proud of you...Kathy :o)
