Monday, October 20, 2014

Heath, Portage and Yet Another Small Craft Advisory!

Looks like summer still at Reboboth Beach
Busy day dealing with medical issues and portaging the kayak.
Decided to get my persistent cough checked out at an urgent care facility.  Spent a couple of hours in donut shop waiting for the facility to open.  That was a cultural experience.  I think I am finally in the South.  Country music and the ads making fun of yankees and praising southerners.  I'm looking forward to returning to my southern roots, even though my roots do not include country music or making fun of yankees.

The health care visit told me I have fluid in my lungs that I need to watch.  Also checked some blood levels for one of my medications.  I am concerned that the long hours the pills spent in a hot car, and then in a kayak, may be degrading them, so it's good to check blood levels every three months.

Then came the fun part: meeting Pat and Chris, two wonderful kayaking ladies in the 70+ crowd who took Carlene and I to lunch in Rehoboth Beach, and then spent hours driving around DelMarVa getting my kayak past the C&D canal.  Pat and Chris are part of the Wilmington Trail Club and responded within half an hour to an online request for help!

First we went to Woodland Beach to retrieve the kayak from the friendly guy who let me chain it to his boat trailer.  Friendly guy does not want to be identified, so I am respecting his privacy.  But he sure was friendly and helpful.  He had asked around about the currents in the section of the Delaware River I had decided I couldn't paddle upstream, and found the currents could exceed 11 knots after heavy rains like recently occurred in PA.  Made the right decision not to paddle upriver from Woodland Beach!
Chris and Pat are amazing kayakers!
It was fun watching Pat and Chris manhandle my 75# kayak to the top of their van - helped by a hullivator.  They are great evidence that I have a t least another 10 years of active kayaking in my future!  We dropped of the kayak at Betterton Beach.  The state has a dock there where itinerant boaters can pull in for the night for free.  Because of that I felt comfortable leaving my kayak chained to a signpost with a note saying to call if it was in anyone's way.

A fun evening at Michy's Relaxed Dining topped off the day, where I did my usual of handing out cards and talking with all who passed by.  I didn't realize that one of the women I talked with was the owner, but she came over later to let me know my dinner was on the house.  Great food there and great folks!  Drop in if you are in Rehoboth Beach!

Richard and Michele Davis!!
Next morning I did my usual check of the marine forecast.  What!  Two more days of Small Craft Advisories.  I may need to get a bigger craft to get south before winter!  I'm certain to be camping in freezing temperatures soon, so I'm glad I checked out my camping gear in cold weather before I left Maine.

Carlene contacted my remaining hosts on DelMarVa to let them know about the delay in my plans.  Still plan to make it to Annapolis on Wednesday!

Despite being on a no carbs diet, Carlene made homemade pasta, apple pie, salad, swordfish and more for my carbo-loading dinner!  Carlene and Ed are such great fun to be with and are perfect hosts!

Deb, Ed and Carlene after carbo-loading.   What's Ed thinking?


  1. eat eat eat!! hahaha-you need to eat more!! super stoked you are where you are--keeping an eye on you!! am going to put the word out to my super cousins who live in the Annapolis area and points further south, as well as the Kent Island Outrigger Canoe Club and others! have fun--and I think you have until close to your 90's to keep paddling, btw, just don't stop!!

  2. That is the most accurate photo taken of me in a long time...laughing my butt off and drinking wine! (No carbs there!!)
