Monday, October 20, 2014

Paddle Day 49: Frost, New Paddling Friends and Maryland!

New friend, Laura, paddles out to meet me!
There was frost on the ground before sunrise, as Carlene drove me to my kayak at Beterton Beach.
The sun came up to a lovely day with not too much of a head wind.  Finally paddling in the Chesapeake Bay!  South of the Mason Dixon Line!  But frost?

Not far from my destination I saw a kayaker approaching.  She had heard about the expedition and had come out to great me!  Laura was in a skin on frame kayak she made, using a greenland paddle, and even wearing the traditional tulik!  Amazing!  We paddled together  to the Great Oak Manor where there was a sign on the beach welcoming the "Kayaking Rotarian" and were met by Les Morehouse, my Rotarian host.

Les and the welcome sign!

Had a wonderful lunch with Laura and two of her kayaking friends.  Laura's mini was the perfect kayak carrier.

Laura and her Mini kayak hauler.

The Great Oak Manor is a fabulous place to stay.

Deb at the Manor
Dinner was a treat with the local Rotarians, such a friendly and interesting bunch!  Thanks!

Nor-easter is coming so I'd better paddle along quickly before it hits!

Paddle Day: 49                                                         Date: October 20 2014
Start:  Beterton Beach                                              End: Chesterton
Distance: 12.2 miles                                                 Total distance: 649.13 miles
Max speed:  5.5 mph                                                 Moving ave.: 4.1 mph
Kayak storage:  Great Oak Manor                               Host: Les Morehouse and Great Oak Manor 

1 comment:

  1. Deb,
    It was such a pleasure to meet you and become acquainted with your passion and mission to raise funds and awareness for Safe Passage Kids. I will follow your blog as you continue on your journey and wish a safe passage for you too! Laura
