Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Paddle Day 51: Kayakers, Shallows and Lost Gloves

Leaving Annapolis with three photographers on the dock
It felt so good to finally get back on the water!
Four paddlers joined me as I left Annapolis: Terry, Nancy, Chuck and Laura

Terry, Nancy and Laura

Terry, Chuck and Laura
The kayaking was great, but I did find the extensive shallows interesting.  Glad the wind wasn't kicking up the water.

For the first time on this expedition, I lost some gear.  What could have happened to my thin neoprene paddling gloves?  Laura generously gave me her synthetic gloves!  Then when I landed in Deale, I saw a West Marine store.  West Marine is a sponsor, so the store gave me a pair of neoprene gloves.  Thanks, West Marine!

It was a lovely day, but it's looking like fall here.  the leaves are turning, and starting to drop.  I had to take this photo of not only the colorful leaves, but the "red roof".  That's a joke amongst my Maine paddling girl friends.  Maybe one of them will explain.

Autumn colors and red roof
Some folks in Annapolis said I was cutting it too late, as they say winter has arrived.  Not quite a Maine winter yet, so I hope I'll be okay.  The average highs, lows and water temperatures along my route should never get worse than October in Maine.  Hopefully this year will not be one of unusually cold weather.

My husband Chris brought down my dry suit for me, as the water temperature is now only a little above 60.  I hadn't had a chance to test paddle in this new NRS Crux dry suit back home, so was excited to try it out.  It was incredibly comfy, even on a warmish day.  The Crux is incredibly breathable!

But then maybe I was getting a little extra breathability.   I found my relief zipper was open when I was getting out of the kayak at the end of the day!  Do you know those Coast Guard statistics?  75% of drowning victims have their fly open.  Glad not to be one of those statistics!

Nobody told me my fly was open!
Another small craft advisory on Tuesday, so I finished up the repairs on my Greenland paddle, sanding and varnishing, in the 79 degree weather!
Stick in the ground holds up my Greenland stick for the final varnish job.
Ann Sunderman has been an inspiring host.  She too likes to travel alone, and to go to conferences with her camping gear, to tack on a mini camping vacation alone at the end.  My kind of woman!

Paddle Day: 51                                                         Date: October 27, 2014
Start:  Annapolis                                                       End: Deale
Distance: 17.3 miles                                                 Total distance: 681.1 miles
Max speed:  5.4 mph                                                 Moving ave.: 3.9 mph
Kayak storage:  Yakima Racks                                    Host: Anne Sunderland

1 comment:

  1. " I found my relief zipper was open when I was getting out of the kayak at the end of the day! "

    Partying it up in Annapolis can do that to you! lol
