Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Paddle Day 52: Lovely Loons and Leaves

Deb landing at Breezy Point
Lovely grey day.  Hearing the occasional loon, reminded me of Maine.
At times I felt like a young bride with rose petals strewn along my path, but in this case it was the reds and yellows and oranges of autumn leaves floating on the Chesapeake Bay.

Passed another military establishment, but managed to remain outside the security zone.
Outside the military establishment

The EMS Crux drysuit makes life a lot easier, as there is much less to wash and dry out at the end of the day.
Liking the dry suit!
Had great fun last night with the Annapolis Evening Rotary Club.  I felt right at home as it is a Happy Hour club with a majority of females, just my Unity Rotary Club in Maine.  They are aces with social media!

Last day with Chris before he heads back to Maine.  We have enjoyed our time with Anne Sundermann,  ED of Calvert Parks,  so much!

Deb, Anne and Chris
Just got an email from Joey Schott:  "Looks like this weekend is going to be a blowout! They are talking about gusts to 45 and 55 mph here and locations north. The bay is going to be a mess."    Yikes!!

Paddle Day: 52                                                         Date: October 28, 2014
Start: Deale                                                              End: Breezy Point
Distance: 12.3 miles                                                 Total distance: 693.4 miles
Max speed:  5.1 mph                                                 Moving ave.: 3.8 mph
Kayak storage:  Breezy Point Marina                          Host: Anne Sunderland

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