Thursday, October 30, 2014

Paddle Day 53: Moving ahead of the Storm

Chris helping Deb depart, as she fires up the Delorme inReach Explorer
A big blow is coming, so it's time to make time before it gets here.
Left Breezy Point in a breeze, with the sun coming out for a minute or two as I said goodbye to Chris for a month or so.

Deb waving goodbye to Chris
I had the Chesapeake Bay to myself today in the cold, overcast weather, except for one waterman out running a trot line to catch hard shell crabs.  Gotta say all the crab I've had along the Bay have been delicious!

Waterman in action
Mostly it was just alone time on the water, as it got wavier as the winds built.
A little wave action starting to build
I was glad to reach Flag Harbor and head through the surf at the entrance to a calm protected harbor, where the sun finally came out for good.
Flag Harbor
Because of the storm coming over the weekend, I worked with my host Shane on a new route for tomorrow.  I'll paddle two days worth in one day so that I will nat have to paddle during the storm.
Let's see if that works!
Paddle Day: 53                                                         Date: October 30, 2014
Start: Breezy Point                                                   End: Flag Harbor
Distance: 11.6 miles                                                 Total distance: 705 miles
Max speed:  6.6 mph                                                 Moving ave.: 3.8 mph
Kayak storage:  Flag Harbor Marine                            Host: Amy and Shane Bowell

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