Thursday, March 12, 2015

Seven Weeks Post Surgery: Port Orange and Good News on my Surgery

Jim, Deb and Louise with the kayak
Arrived in Palm Coast for physical therapy and received great news! We are being hosted by the twin brother of a Rotarian who hosted us in Connecticut.
I am so happy that I can finally start physical therapy for my neck surgery.  I have very limited range of motion and my muscles in neck and arms have weakened.  But the great news is that my nerves have already fully recovered!  Kayaking, here I come!  (Well in about four months!)

Louise and Jim Eagan have been great hosts!  Louise has been following the expedition for months, and was the first host to volunteer in Florida.  She has engaged her newspaper, her church and her public library to get publicity for Safe Passage.  Way to go Louise!

Louise has an amazing sewing room set up with four machines, and we spent a couple of days repairing some of my gear!
Louise helping me with several repair projects
At dinner, I talked with the restaurant manager about Safe Passage. (I talk with everyone and pass out cards like candy!)  Chris, the manager got very excited and told me his great Guatemala story.  Chris paints surf boards, and was commissioned to paint one for a gift.  He was told to make it a scene from Guatemala.  Chris found a photo online of Lake Atitlan, and painted a lovely surf board.
Chris Morris's Lake Atitlan painting on a surf board.
He was surprised at how happy the recipient was.  It turns out that her husband had proposed at Lake Atitlan!
Deb paddling Lake Atitlan
I had to share with Chris another photo of the volcano he had painted - with me paddling a traditional wooden fishing boat on Lake Atitlan.  Small world!

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