Thursday, March 12, 2015

Six Weeks Post Surgery: Palm Coast and Jacksonville Rotary Hospitality

Chris and Joey on the day of the official start of Turning Points Kayaks
Traveled down and up and down the coast of NE Florida, meeting Rotarians and seeing Joey Schott, who redesigned and rebuilt my expedition kayak.  Joey now has opened a new business building kayaks (Turning Point Kayaks).  I can't wait to try out his carbon fiber Petrel!
Had a great visit with the Palm Coast Rotary Club, giving them a presentation about the children at Safe Passage (see the child on the screen peaking out in the photo below?
Palm Coast Rotary - small and mighty!
Linda Aurora (in the red) hosted us and we felt right at home.  It was too short a visit with this great club!

Backup to Jacksonville to meet with Rotarians from a number of clubs and set up lots of speaking engagements!  Chet and Judy Smith let us use their waterfront home while they were down in the Caribbean.  It was great looking out over the marshes!
View of the marshes - wish I could be kayaking!
Mike Selah took us for a walk in the nearby park and shared lots of local lore.  Thanks Mike!
Not my best photography!
Mike showed us the area of the early French fort and took some photos of us with the Fleur-de-Lis  for our Rotarian friends from Quebec.

There is much less pain now, but very limited motion in my neck.  I am so looking forward to the physical therapy!

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